Questions and answers
What is self-publishing management?
Process in which the main author of the paper assumes the selection of the publication medium of the paper (journal or conference), and everything related to its submission and the necessary steps to obtain the acceptance and subsequent publication of the paper.
What is the publication management carried out by RC?
Process in which RC assumes the selection of the journal or conference, and is responsible for sending the manuscript in order to obtain the acceptance and subsequent publication of it.
How safe is it to pay through the ResearchCycles website?
For the security of our clients we use stripe as a payment gateway for credit and debit cards, as well as paypal. Additionally our site is protected by SSL certificate, the above to avoid any fraud or related problems.
How do I know that my funds will be used to obtain my scientific publication?
We are a company under U.S. law with terms and conditions that we must comply with. Additionally a legal agreement is signed between users and RC at the beginning of each participation.
ResearchCycles functions as a marketplace where researchers from around the world can place their research for others to enter after a monetary investment. Researchers who place their papers on the platform will receive 100% of the royalties that correspond to them only and exclusively when: 1) RC verifies that the names of the co-authors have been added, 2) the papers have been accepted and published; the above to avoid any type of fraud on the co-author who acquires a plan with RC. Similarly, RC will manage the investments collected by paper to guarantee the payment of registrations in journals/conferences and open access (if applicable), directly and without intermediaries, to the selected journals and conferences.
Why is the duration of an investment plan 1 year in the case of Journals and 6 months in the case of conferences?
We adhere to the ethical procedures established by the scientific community; we do not publish in journals considered predatory and we do not have publishing agreements with any academic media. The procedures we use are the regulatory ones, therefore, they can take their time while the papers are evaluated by the peer reviewers in the journals and will depend on the periodicity of the publications in the journals.
Does this mean that I have to wait a year to get my paper published in a journal and 6 months for products in conferences?
No, usually a publication in a journal can take 4-7 months and 3-5 months in conferences.
Even acceptance letters at Journals may take 2-3 months and 1 month at conferences.
For security reasons, RC has set 1 year and 6 months for legal purposes; and thus, prevent any unforeseen event.
Can I invest in a plan and not participate in the preparation of the paper?
No, because RC does not sell quotas on scientific papers, we group researchers under the leadership of a senior researcher to participate in the elaboration and completion of one or several papers.
What if I don’t have enough time or experience to participate in the development of the paper?
Our system is designed for you to participate to the extent of your capabilities, knowledge and time. We adjust to you.
What happens if the paper I select is rejected?
As our name indicates, we work as a cycle; if your paper is rejected in less than three days we will contact you to establish improvements and send it to a second option equivalent in quartile and type of publication; if you request it, you can relocate to another paper under the same conditions and without any additional costs. This will be done in an agile way in order to minimize the time of acceptance and publication.
We recommend that you read our terms and conditions.
How can I be sure that none of the authors within my paper have committed plagiarism during their participation in the paper’s elaboration process?
At the moment of placing the paper on the platform, the researcher will sign an agreement where he or she attests to the original nature of the pre-print. However, after the participation of all authors, the main author must send the final version to RC before applying to the journal or conference so that RC can evaluate it with its ethics committee. A report will be generated and given to each co-author for their file and peace of mind. Similarly, each author may acquire for an additional cost a similarity index report with the ithenticate turnitin software.
What happens if the magazine where the paper will be published is discontinued from SCOPUS or WoS/enter the predator journal list?
The paper will be withdrawn from the same and relocated to another without additional cost to the participant; as long as the paper has not been published.
What happens if the journal goes down in the quartile?
If the paper has not been accepted, it will be withdrawn after 100% co-author approval. Afterwards, the paper will be placed in a magazine of the same quadrant as the one selected by the co-authors initially.
What happens if the magazine goes up in the quartile?
If the paper has already been submitted, accepted or published, it will remain in the journal at no additional cost to the co-authors. However, categories such as researchers and researchcyclers will get their royalties always based on the initial category of the journal when the cycle starts.
Can I apply to be the main author or correspondent of the scientific paper?
Only the proponents of the scientific articles and those who lead the research can be principal authors and/or correspondents.
What about copyright?
The principal author of the research (main author) together with the co-authors that join him/her through the CR platform, will sign a cooperation agreement to improve the preprint until obtaining a final version that will be called a paper and whose copyrights will be protected by this agreement so that none of the authors will suffer any violation of their rights.
What regulations must my pre-print comply with in order to be applied for CR?
See preprint policy.