The maximum allowed number of authors per paper in a scientific journal is 5 and in a conference paper / book series is 6.
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We do not publish with journals considered predatory by the academic community. For this reason, a careful review of these is made prior to the application of the paper.
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ResearchCycles guarantees the co-author 100% of obtaining one or more products in Scopus or WoS according to their investment plan, but cannot guarantee the exact date of publication or indexing.
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Every researcher, university or research center must sign a cooperation agreement in the production process of scientific papers.
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Only the generator of the project idea may be the main author of the papers or the one that the initial researchers recognize as such.
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ResearchCycles maintains the temporary rights to the research accepted on its platform until they are transferred to the editor who published the article, the foregoing to ensure the interests of the co-authors as well as the publication times of the paper.
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Research Cycles follows the guidelines of scientific journals regarding originality
and allowed similarity indices (less than or equal to 20%).
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If after receiving the letter of acceptance of the paper, the journal changes quartile, RC is not responsible, but if the journal is discontinued before publishing the paper, we will locate another equivalent at no additional cost.
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